Friday, November 21, 2008


there is frost on the lamb's ears this morning, and the swamp has ice - frozen in those neat spiky patterns. there's ice on the rocks by cape pogue too, and yet the honey suckle and russian olive leaves hang right on to their slender, sticky branches. my legs and lungs liked running this morning...and my mind too. it was a good time to remember that I only exist now, and now, and now. not yesterday while I was worrying about my brother, and not today when I have to massage two stocky men, and not tonight when I'm going out and don't even know why. what a difficult concept to get my head around! no day but today. I ran around Brine's Pond three times, and the third time I noticed an animal tunnel mostly covered with leaves, and it made me wonder what other things I miss in my life when I'm busy worry about yesterday or tomorrow. or even just 20 minutes from now.

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